Monday, May 2, 2016

Blogging on Mondays.

I've never really hated Mondays like most people seem to. It probably has something to do with being homeschooled.

My little siblings have been obsessed with this online game recently. It's called Jumpstart, and it's for preschoolers. Does that stop my sixteen year old sister from wasting her life on it? Does the fact that this entire website is designed to be played by children under the age of five in any way cause my twelve-year-old sister to pause before logging in and greeting her avatar as if it were a living human? Does it stop me from drawing every character they create?

No. No, it does not.
And this would be said twelve-year-old sister's avatar. She's just really, really cute, okay?
 Honestly, the saddest thing about this game is that I've considered going on it, just to design my character. I'm thinking a skater girl with a beanie and combat boots...
What have I become.

Okay. So. Before I explain this next drawing, I'm going to talk about a commission I got back in... March? Yeah, March. This really fabulous human named Liz contacted me via Etsy and asked if I did custom comics. Besides the Magic!Sharpie fail from last summer, I'd never done comics before, and I told her as much. But I also added that if she was okay with a beginner trying her hand at it, I'd be happy to give it a go.

She gave me the green light, and now I'm fully obsessed with this cutie named Avery and her crazy huge imagination. I've drawn two short comics about her, as well as the Wattpad cover for her story.
You can read the story here on Wattpad:
And then the comic's over here on Elizabeth's website:

So anyway, the reason I explained all of that is to say that I then needed a photo for Liz to put on her website along with my artist info. I decided to sketch a self-portrait, and this happened.
Guess who.

Idk if it even looks like me, but the basics are there. Bracelets halfway to my elbow, Flyte charm necklace, Cap t-shirt... Looks good.
I still haven't finished coloring it though... Procrastination for the win.

So you remember ages and ages ago, I was pretty much addicted to making paper dolls?

Yeah I still am.

Cat girls because I can.

They're just too cute guys.
I also have two sets of Fairies lying around, plus a ton of the old dolls as well.
The problem with these is that they're /so much fun to make/ and I just want to draw like all of my characters. But I'm running out of people to give them to. All of the little girls at my church already have a set, and I don't think my siblings need any more...

I am working on a set to give my grandmother's coworker, though, and she's actually paying me for this one. It's pretty cool. I guess she sponsors a girl with Compassion or something, and she wants to send her a set. You can only mail flat packages, though, so I'm having to be creative with the storage of these--I can't send a tin to keep them in. Mom had the idea to get a piece of scrap metal and cover it with something to prevent injuries from sharp edges, but I'm still working on finishing that up. Will post pictures once I've figured it out.

I'm going to sign off--this blog post is already long enough; I talked too much--and get some productive things done today. Until next time, which will hopefully be soon.

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